Central Texas Nurse Practitioners

Waco Wild West 100 Waterstop

Posted over 8 years ago by Shannon Wright

This announcement has 2 attachments:
Map-1 (160 KB)
Map-2 (890 KB)

To those volunteering for the Waterstop:

Here is the information for the Water Stop this Saturday:
1. Please arrive at 07:00 AM. The first rider is expected around 08:10 AM, so by arriving at 07:00, this should allow us plenty of time to set up and have drinks available by the time the first wave hits.
2. Location: Waco Dam @ Airport (maps are attached - we are #17).
3. Please bring 1-2 motivating posterboards per person AND/OR personal baked goods.

Of note:
I live out of town (Temple) and Shelly will be in meetings on Friday. We need someone to pick up supplies from Sherri on Friday. We need someone to please volunteer to pick up the supplies. Thank you!



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